Participatory Learning and Action Library

Explore our extensive library of articles, films and reports on PLA.



Akter et al, 2023. Stakeholder perceptions on scaling-up community-led interventions for prevention and control of non-communicable diseases in Bangladesh: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health 23, 719.

Seal et al, 2023. Use of an adapted participatory learning and action cycle to increase knowledge and uptake of child vaccination in internally displaced persons camps (IVACS): A cluster-randomised controlled trial. Vaccine, 2023.


Givewell (2022). Participatory Learning and Action – Maternal and Neonatal Health: Interim intervention report.


Nair et al. 2021. Effectiveness of participatory women’s groups scaled up by the public health system to improve birth outcomes in Jharkhand, eastern India: a pragmatic cluster non-randomised controlled trial. BMJ Global Health 2021;6:e005066. doi:10.1136/ bmjgh-2021-005066.

Kadiyala et al, 2021. Effect of nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions with participatory videos and women's group meetings on maternal and child nutritional outcomes in rural Odisha, India (UPAVAN trial): a four-arm, observer-blind, cluster-randomised controlled trial.

Malde et al, 2021. Spillovers of Community-Based Health Interventions on Consumption Smoothing. Economic Development and Cultural Change.


Nair et al, 2020. Community mobilisation to prevent violence against women and girls in eastern India through participatory learning and action with women's groups facilitated by accredited social health activists: a before-and-after pilot study. BMC International Health and Human Rights: 20; 6.

Pulkki-Brännström et al, 2020. Participatory learning and action cycles with women s groups to prevent neonatal death in low-resource settings: A multi-country comparison of cost-effectiveness and affordability. Health Policy and Planning, czaa081


Sondaal et al, 2019. Sustainability of community-based women’s groups: reflections from a participatory intervention for newborn and maternal health in Nepal. Community Development Journal, 54(4): 731-749.

Morrison et al, 2019. Exploring the equity impact of a maternal and newborn health intervention: a qualitative study of participatory women’s groups in rural South Asia and Africa. International Journal for Equity in Health; 18:55.

Fottrell et al, 2019. Community groups or mobile phone messaging to prevent and control type 2 diabetes and intermediate hyperglycaemia in Bangladesh (DMagic): a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology; 3:200-212.

Morrison et al, 2019. Participatory learning and action to address type 2 diabetes in rural Bangladesh: a qualitative process evaluation. BMC Endocrine Disorders; 19(1);118.

Gope et al, 2019. Effects of participatory learning and action with women's groups, counselling through home visits and crèches on undernutrition among children under three years in eastern India: a quasi-experimental study. BMC Public Health; 19:962.


Harris-Fry et al, 2018. Participatory Women’s Groups with Cash Transfers Can Increase Dietary Diversity and Micronutrient Adequacy during Pregnancy, whereas Women’s Groups with Food Transfers Can Increase Equity in Intrahousehold Energy Allocation. The Journal of Nutrition: 148 (9); 1472–1483.

Saville et al, 2018. Impact on birth weight and child growth of Participatory Learning and Action women's groups with and without transfers of food or cash during pregnancy: Findings of the low birth weight South Asia cluster-randomised controlled trial (LBWSAT) in Nepal. Plos One:

Fottrell et al, 2018. Growth and body composition of children aged 2–4 years after exposure to community mobilisation women’s groups in Bangladesh. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2018;72:888-895.


Seward N et al, 2017. Effects of women’s groups practising participatory learning and action on preventive and care-seeking behaviours to reduce neonatal mortality: A meta- analysis of cluster-randomised trials. PLoS Med 14(12): e1002467.

Houweling et al, 2017. The equity impact of community women’s groups to reduce neonatal mortality: a meta- analysis of four cluster randomized trials. International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 48 (1); 168–182.

Nair et al, 2017. Effect of participatory women's groups and counselling through home visits on children's linear growth in rural eastern India (CARING trial): a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Lancet Global Health, 5(10): E1004-E1016.

Clarke et al, 2017. Impact of a Participatory Intervention with Women's Groups on Psychological Distress among Mothers in Rural Bangladesh: Secondary Analysis of a Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial. PLoS One; 12(8):e0183203.

Sinha et al, 2017. Economic evaluation of participatory learning and action with women’s groups facilitated by Accredited Social Health Activists to improve birth outcomes in rural eastern India. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation; 15:2.


Fitzsimons et al, 2016. Spillovers of Community-Based Health Interventions on Consumption Smoothing. IFS Working Paper W16/18.

Houweling et al, 2016. Reaching the poor with health interventions: programme-incidence analysis of seven randomised trials of women’s groups to reduce newborn mortality in Asia and Africa. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 70(1): 31-41.

Tripathy et al, 2016. Effect of participatory women’s groups facilitated by Accredited Social Health Activists on birth outcomes in rural eastern India: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Lancet Global Health, 4(2): 119-128.

Harris-Fry et al, 2016. Formative evaluation of a participatory women's group intervention to improve reproductive and women's health outcomes in rural Bangladesh: a controlled before and after study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health; 70:663-6


Morrison et al, 2015. Disabled women’s attendance at community women’s groups in rural Nepal. Health Promotion International, 32(3): 464-474.

Colbourn et al, 2015. Cost-effectiveness and affordability of community mobilisation through women's groups and quality improvement in health facilities (MaiKhanda trial) in Malawi. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation; 13(1):1.

Younes et al, 2015. The effect of participatory women's groups on infant feeding and child health knowledge, behaviour and outcomes in rural Bangladesh: a controlled before-and-after study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health; 69:374-81.


WHO, 2014. WHO recommendation on community mobilization through facilitated participatory learning and action cycles with women’s groups for maternal and newborn health. WHO: Geneva.


Prost et al, 2013. Women’s groups practising participatory learning and action to improve maternal and newborn health in low-resource settings: a systematic review and meta-anlaysis. Lancet, 381: 1736-46.

Houweling et al, 2013. The equity impact of participatory women’s groups to reduce neonatal mortality in India: secondary analysis of a cluster-randomised trial. International Journal of Epidemiology: 1-13.

Colbourn et al, 2013. Effects of quality improvement in health facilities and community mobilization through women’s groups on maternal, neonatal and perinatal mortality in three districts of Malawi: MaiKhanda, a cluster randomized controlled effectivenes trial. International Health: 5(3); 180–195.

Fottrell et al, 2013. The Effect of Increased Coverage of Participatory Women’s Groups on Neonatal Mortality in Bangladesh. JAMA Pediatrics; 2013.

Lewycka et al, 2013. Effect of women's groups and volunteer peer counselling on rates of mortality, morbidity, and health behaviours in mothers and children in rural Malawi (MaiMwana): a factorial, cluster-randomised controlled trial. Lancet; 381:1721-35.


More et al, 2012. Community mobilisation in Mumbai slums to improve perinatal care and outcomes: a cluster randomized controlled trial. PLoS Medicine; 9(7):e1001257

Nahar et al, 2012. Scaling up community mobilisation through women's groups for maternal and neonatal health: experiences from rural Bangladesh. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth; 12:5.

Rosato et al, 2012. Strategies developed and implemented by women’s groups to improve mother and infant health and reduce mortality in rural Malawi. International Health; 4:176-184.

Nahar et al, 2012. Scaling up community mobilisation through women's groups for maternal and neonatal health: experiences from rural Bangladesh. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth; 12:5.

Younes et al, 2012. Estimating coverage of a women's group intervention among a population of pregnant women in rural Bangladesh. BMC Pregnancy Childborth; 12:60.

Nair et al, 2012. Mobilizing women's groups for improved maternal and newborn health: evidence for impact, and challenges for sustainability and scale up. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics; 119:22-25.


Tripathy et al, 2010. Effect of a participatory intervention with women’s groups on birth outcomes and maternal depression in Jharkhand and Orissa, India: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 375: 1182-92.

Rath et al, 2010. Explaining the impact of a women’s group led community mobilisation intervention on maternal and newborn health outcomes: the Ekjut trial process evaluation. BMC International Health and Human Rights; 10:25.

Azad et al, 2010. Effect of scaling up women’s groups on birth outcomes in three rural districts in Bangladesh: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Lancet; 375:1193-202.

Rosato et al, 2010. MaiMwana women’s groups: a community mobilisation intervention to improve mother and child health and reduce mortality in rural Malawi. Malawi Medical Journal; 22(4):112-119.

Morrison et al, 2010. Understanding how women’s groups improve maternal and newborn health in Makwanpur, Nepal: a qualitative study. International Health; 2:25-35.


Rosato et al, 2009. Women’s groups’ perceptions of neonatal and infant health problems in rural Malawi. Malawi Medical Journal; 21:4.


Rosato et al, 2006. Women's groups' perceptions of maternal health issues in rural Malawi. Lancet; 368:1180-8.


Manadhar et al, 2004, Effect of a participatory intervention with women’s groups on birth outcomes in Nepal: cluster-randomised controlled trial. Lancet; 364:970-79.


Women's Groups Save Lives


Women's groups save mothers and newborns in poor communities


SNEHA - A NGO that works towards improving health of slum women and children in Mumbai


Reducing child mortality and improving maternal health


How picture cards can help women's health groups


Saving lives of women and children in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone

PLA groups


Umodzi (Together)


Are Women's Groups good for your health?


Women’s groups save lives


Our message


A story of hope and change


Women’s groups save lives


Maternal and child health in Gulu and Amuru, Uganda
