How Groups Will Help Child Nutrition in Tower Hamlets
We are launching a new project to enhance child nutrition in Tower Hamlets' Bengali-speaking communities. Through community groups and educational sessions, parents will receive resources for their children's well-being.

Thokozani’s story
Our Mother’s Day appeal in 2024 is centred on the story of Thokozani, who attends one of our community health groups in Malawi, read her story here.

Playing and Learning Together in Ghana
An update on our toy project in Ghana - the toys are here!

Helping Mothers and Children Survive and Thrive in Goro, Ethiopia
Women and Children First, with Comic Relief, the Big Lottery Fund, and supporters, helped Doctors with Africa CUAMM establish 100 women's health groups. Safe deliveries by skilled attendants rose by 13% in areas with these groups.

Preventing Childhood Injury and Death in Bangladesh
Women and Children First, with our partners BADAS-PCP and UCL, adapted community groups to address the issue. The findings show incredible potential for them to work.

Rahmat’s story
How Personalised Calendars Help Women Attend Crucial Health Appointments. Read Rahmat’s story here.

Addressing the Problem of Malaria in the Goro Woreda, Ethiopia
Women’s health groups came up with solutions including improved access and use of bed nets, removing mosquito breeding sites and awareness raising.

Dealing with Diarrhoea in Goro Woreda, Ethiopia
Diarrhoea contributes to high numbers of infant deaths and illness in pregnant mothers that can cause, read how our Comunity Health Group is combatting the issue

Agnes’s Story
Mothers like Agnes in Uganda face dangers. They wake up every morning not knowing if their babies and children will survive. The catastrophic climate emergency has seen a sharp surge in the number of people suffering from malaria. This deadly disease is reaching record levels.

Give Me A Future To Grow Up For: Our Daily Mirror Story
Uganda is at risk from climate change. The country is witnessing longer, more unpredictable rainy seasons. This increases the risk of malaria and malnutrition, both of which can be fatal. Women and Children First is working with our partners in Uganda to help people affected.

Learning To Treat Diarrhoea Saved My Son
Women and Children First’s Health Groups have supported mothers like Birtukan, whose son contracted diarrhoea when he was two years old - and helped save his life.

Helping Mothers Breastfeed Worldwide
Breastfeeding can be difficult, yet successfully doing so can reduce the risk of babies getting infections or diseases, including diarrhoea. These vital antibodies are not included in formula milk or the water and honey given to babies in some communities.