Women & Children First to Close in Early 2025

Here is a message from Rachel Cullen, Chair of the Board of Trustees.

“Today, we are sharing the news that Women and Children First is starting an orderly wind-down and will close in 2025. For the Board this has been an incredibly difficult decision, but after reflecting on the fantastic work of the organisation over the last 25 years and the success of our partnerships in Africa, we are certain that it is the right decision at the right time. 

“We are intensely proud of everything Women and Children First has achieved.  When we first set up, at the turn of the millennium, we were pioneers of participatory programming and played a central role in research showing how women’s groups can halve the numbers of women dying in childbirth.

“Since 2000 our work has reached over 12 million people across 16 different countries and with our partners, we supported communities to set up over 5,000 community health groups, saving more than 6,500 lives.   

“Now, we celebrate that participatory women’s and community groups are standard in health programmes across the globe, and the transformative role these groups play - in amplifying women’s voices and connecting pregnant women and new mothers to the resources and support they need - is without question.  

“The current funding environment is incredibly challenging for everyone.  Many organisations are reassessing whether they can or should continue.  It is in this context that we now choose to exit gracefully. 

“We have always co-developed projects and built expertise in the Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) approach with our partners, and more recently, we have trained a body of experts across the Global South to train and support others in these approaches.

“We will ensure all the evidence and resources we developed over the years will remain available for communities anywhere to access and use. On our current projects, we are working closely with partner organisations to either complete the projects as planned or ensure a smooth transition for projects that will continue after we close.  

“We therefore approach the next few months with mixed emotions.  Sadness in saying goodbye to the Women and Children First team members: Beth, Jo, Annie, Mica, Mark and Lisa, all of whom have been amazing colleagues and an inspiration to all us Trustees. Gratitude for the wonderful support of our partners and the generosity of our donors, funders and friends over the last 25 years. 

“But also satisfaction at a job well done.  We hope over the next few months to find some time to celebrate our work and legacy and that you, our friends, will join with us. 

“Thank you once again for everyone who has worked with us, run for us, come to a comedy show, donated your time, your money and your energy. Our work has saved and changed lives, and you have been part of that. Thank you.”

Rachel Cullen
Chair of the Board of Trustees

  • Women and Children First was set up in 2000, founded by Professor Anthony Costello and originally part of University College London (UCL).

    It was established in response to newly emerging evidence that establishing women-led community health groups could save maternal and newborn lives.

    Through our work we generated more evidence, developed tools and guidance and supported partner organisations to use participatory methodologies to improve health outcomes. 

  • Participatory Learning and Action is a specific methodology under the umbrella of participatory approaches. It is delivered through community health groups in some of the world’s most rural and remote communities.

    These groups bring together community members to talk about the health challenges they face, and to work together to find and implement solutions to overcome and mitigate them. The community is in the driving seat from the beginning! Their solutions are feasible and locally resourced.

    The groups were initially set up to prevent women and babies dying during pregnancy or childbirth with fantastic results. They have also been effective at addressing other health challenges, such as sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence, children’s health and wellbeing, including nutrition, prevention and management of diabetes.

    The approach is also currently being researched to see if it improves access to health services of people living with disabilities and if it can reduce incidence of unintentional injuries of children.

  • We would love for you to learn more about the Participatory Learning and Action approach for maternal and newborn health. 

    Although considerable progress has been made to improve the lives of women and children, communities still need support to stop women dying in pregnancy and childbirth.  

    Until the end of March 2025, you can contact Women and Children First for more information about PLA.  We will update these FAQs to provide guidance on who to speak to after this date.

    You can also see more on LinkedIn, including Women and Children’ First’s page and our PLA Community of Practice page.

  • Women and Children First will close during the first half of 2025. The staff will have left the organisation by the end of March.

  • No, Women and Children First is not insolvent: we have enough resources to manage an orderly wind-down and handover of projects, including having reserves to pay staff redundancy. 

    We are making this decision now, so that we can close down in a way which is responsible and respectful of our staff and partners. 

  • We will continue to comply with all relevant data protection laws. We will need to retain some data, for legal and contractual reasons, and that will be done safely and securely. Your data will not be passed onto other charitable organisations. For further information on how we treat your data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

  • The Women and Children First team is in the process of working with partners to ensure a smooth hand-over of projects, so that the work can carry on elsewhere. Some of our other projects are due to conclude before the charity winds down.

  • Any donations made to Women and Children First will be used towards facilitating the delivery of the projects and ensuring there is as meaningful as possible a legacy for our method of setting up community health groups via our PLA approach.

    In accordance with Women and Children First’s constitution, any funds left once we have completed the wind-down of our work will be applied to another charity with similar charitable objects.

    Any funds left once we have completed the wind-down of our work will be applied to another charity with similar charitable objects.

  • It is your choice whether you choose to cancel your regular donation now, or let it continue until the end of March 2025. Any donations you have made, or will make, will continue to be applied to the charity’s work.

    In accordance with Women and Children First’s constitution, any funds left once we have completed the wind-down of our work will be applied to another charity with similar charitable objects.

  • Women and Children First’s constitution is clear that any remaining funds must be dispersed to another charity with similar charitable objects. 

    We will update these FAQs when a charity has been chosen.


25 Years of Impact: Women & Children First’s Achievements


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